Review: Serhat - Say Na Na Na - San Marino

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Crashing out early in 2018, San Marino have punched back with Say Na Na Na, a great little disco number that is sure to be a highlight for the Eurovision audience in the stadium.
As someone born in the 80s, I felt "Say Na Na Na" taking me back to the mid-90s, cheesy disco pop on Top Of The Pops. To draw comparisons to recent Eurovision entries, this track could perhaps be compared to Moldova in 2018. I feel it's particularly strong for Eurovision for two main reasons - the first is that it's universal, you don't need to speak English to sing 'na na na' along to a song, within ten seconds of listening to this song, you already know the riff. The other is that despite this song appearing quite dated to us in the West, this isn't the case for a lot of countries in Europe where these type of cheesy tracks are still played regularly alongside modern ones.
San Marino's stats are currently very middle-ground and the real test will be what numbers we get for the first and second rehearsals.
The only real shortfall "Say Na Na Na" has is that it's going to be absolutely decimated by the judges who these days demand something more contemporary and cerebral. I forsee this being like Denmark 2018 or Poland 2016 where the televote was high but the jury score very low. San Marino perform in the second-half of the weaker first semi which features quite a lot of dross, I would hope this track would wake everybody up again. With decent staging, I personally see this track sailing through to the finals.
Do you say 'Ya Ya Ya' or 'Na Na Na'? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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