Review: Aisel - X My Heart - Azerbaijan

7 Day YouTube Views: 242,405
7 Day YouTube Likes: 11,359
Image-conscious Azerbaijan present X My Heart, a departure from 2017's dark 'Skeletons', X My Heart is an upbeat middle-of-the-road pop song which can easily be classed alongside other upbeat solo-female tricks like the United Kingdom's 'Storm' and Australia's 'We Got Love'.
As a track it's an unusual one in that I've listened to it multiple times but if you asked me fifteen minutes later to hum the tune...I'd probably not be able to remember it. I think it's because as a sound it is a little generic, the lyrics are utterly meaningless and have no depth so they're automatically mentally discarded too. However the song is still quite good and quite listenable! Aisel is a good looking girl and you can envisiage this song as having memorable and exciting staging too.
Azerbaijan are what I would class as a 'second-tier' competitior in semi 1, we all know who the big hitters are, the second-tier are the likes of Armenia, Austria and Finland. The set of songs that will populate everything from 6th - 12th place. So the question is, does X My Heart have what it takes to qualify?
Azerbaijan have the distinct disadvantage of singing first in semi 1 which means 18 other country's songs will be ahead of it before people can vote - people are likely to forget the song by that point. The only saving grace in this situation is that Azerbaijan a fast, upbeat track which is immediately followed by Iceland and Albania which are both pretty bad and bland, after that is Belgium which is slow-tempo. This may give Azerbaijan a USP long enough to keep it in the minds of the viewers for them to remember it by the end of the semi.
Speaking of the second-tier competitors in Semi 1, Azerbaijan's YouTube Views fall behind those of Armenia and Austria by a decent margin, but still beat them both on Likes which may give comfort to Azerbaijan-To-Qualify backers. The odds have Azerbaijan as 10th most likely to qualify from it's semi, that's how close it is - I feel it's probably the correct estimation. A lot will depend on the vocals and the memorability of the staging. We've no idea which way it'll fall.
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