Review: Christabelle - Taboo - Malta

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With a music video set in some futuristic, Mad Max dystopia, Malta present Taboo, a generic pop song that certainly doesn't break any taboos whatsoever and appears to have had more money thrown at the video than the song itself. The song is supposedly about breaking the taboo of mental health, we didn't pick up on it ourselves but we commend Christabelle and her efforts in that regard.
Another difficult song to review as the song follows an irregular structure, doesn't push any kind of boundaries and doesn't build as the song progresses at all. The chorus does at have a regular "before we all become animals, animals" hook which at least makes the song accessible to listeners at the most basic level but really that's where the positives end. The song's message may be a little too opaque to connect to and continues at a regular pace throughout without switching it up at all. It's very difficult to listen to this song and not get distracted by something else more interesting. The juries will surely tear this song to pieces, there's no way this can progress past it's semi-final.
Malta perform in the second-half of the second semi final, unfortunately for them, they're squashed between Poland and Hungary, Poland has a great little dance track and Hungary are the punk band, which like them or not - will at least be memorable compared the Malta's contribution. Malta's showing on the betting markets it also poor, considered 3rd least likely to qualify from their semi. Not much more to say about this one, there to make up the numbers.
"The juries will surely tear this to pieces"? Are you new to Eurovision? This is Malta, they'd get 50+ jury points thanks to their brown envelope deals even if they sat in silence for 3 minutes...