Review: Lea Sirk - Hvala, ne - Slovenia

7 Day YouTube Views: 27,957
7 Day YouTube Likes: 1,067
Slovenia join this year's Eurovision with Hvala Ne, a bold choice - the first Eurovision track to consist of just one note throughout the song.
Ok we're being a little harsh. Slovenia have obviously tried to experiment with something a little different here, but the result is a fairly sterile song, as ever, the meaning behind the song is also lost to those who don't speak Slovenian. Lea's styling and staging is modern but perhaps a little aggressive.
Lea sings well live but the song itself is a let-down, it feels half-finished, did they blow their budget composing the verses? Each verse builds and builds dubstep-style, promising a meaty climax...only to completely fall short in the chorus that doesn't offer the listener any satisfaction, a real missed opportunity.
Slovenia sing second-to-last in the second semi-final but I suspect it still won't do their qualification chances much good, particularly as they're singing just before likely-qualifier Ukraine who will almost certainly be putting on a show. Slovenia is considered one of the least likely acts to win the show by the betting markets and her implied chances of qualification from the semi are considered similarly slim. Lea's YouTube stats are also some of the lowest of the entire competition. Besides this, the song is rather featureless and for us it's a clear no-qualifier.
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