Review: Ethno-Jazz Band Iriao - For You - Georgia

7 Day YouTube Views: 214,407
7 Day YouTube Likes: 3,196
Another of the native-language entries, Georgia bring For You to the Eurovision 2018 stage. A peaceful song with real merit that, let's face it - everyone knows won't qualify from it's semi.
It seems harsh to say, because the majority of the feedback online for this song is positive and the song is indeed very pleasant to listen to. But it plays more like something from a G4 concert, a hymn or perhaps the closing song of tragically-ending musical. It doesn't build in any way at all. When you're up against upbeat songs, flashy staging and more, a song with this level of simple authenticity just won't have the oomph to stand out. This song can be classed along the other 'upmarket' entries this year such as from Estonia and Portugal that favour quality over plastic pop.
Of the 43 entries this year, Georgia are currently 38th favourite to win the contest. Their YouTube stats tell the exact same story, low on all counts. Semi-final 2 has an unusual mix of tracks and the results on the night should be interesting, Georgia are planted mid-running order that semi, sadly even then it's a fairly easy no-qualifier. Nice song but really doesn't bring much more than that to the table, maybe next year, Georgia.
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