Review: Nevena Bozovic - Kruna - Serbia

1 Day YouTube Views: 73,875
1 Day YouTube Likes: 3,221
After last year's curious and suspicious qualification in the grand final by Serbia, they return in 2019 with Nevena Bozovic singing "Kruna", a bog-standard Eurovision ballad with an ethno-rock edge.
A few English words splashed in is the only clue the rest of Europe will get regarding the meaning behind this track - tracks sung in native languages must be able to convey the message to non-native speakers and unfortunately, Kruna doesn't achieve this - luckily though, Nevena is a lovely singer so we must hope that her live performances can match the vocals from the music video.
There's nothing wrong with the track per-se, but there's nothing to get excited about either. "Kruna" should go down relatively well in the Balkans but generally, the over-emoting solo female ballad feels very paint-by-numbers as a Eurovision track. Luckily for Serbia, they sing in the first semi-final, the weaker of the two, giving their chances a significant boost. I think this song should just about qualify but it will be close at the bottom of that Top 10.
With no significant social media followers, no real traction on iTunes and low YouTube stats, Serbia will very much be an also-ran on the night. My guess is "Kruna will be around 8th to 12th place in the semis and if it does qualify, won't be anywhere near the left-hand side of the board.
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