Review: Zala Kralj & Gasper Santl - Sebi - Slovenia

1 Day YouTube Views: 35,693
1 Day YouTube Likes: 2,701
Only by manufacturing a fake 'blooper' did Slovenia just about qualify for the finals last year, but surely no amount of trickery can save this year's song, Sebi by Zala Kralj and Gasper Santl.
Highly reminiscent of Portugal's 2018 entry (which came last in the final), "Sebi" is a simplistic, slow, almost whispered number where the focus is more towards the intensity and power of the lyrics than the vocal ability of the singer. Unfortunately for Slovenia, the song is so slow, so unwavering, that I found it almost hypnotic - by the end I barely remembered what I'd listened to and felt like taking a quick nap.
It's safe to say that songs as slow as this will probably be a hard sell with Eurovision audiences - this will very much be the toilet-break act. I'm actually surprised it's even being entered as it really is quite featureless. Can they pull off a staging masterclass like Lithuania did with their track last year and elevate "Sebi" out of mediocrity? To be honest, probably not.
The YouTube stats for this song are very near the bottom of the table compared to all other songs released so far. Social Media follower stats are a little better, around the middle of the pack in terms of average daily increase. Overall though, nothing here to suggest anything other than an early exit for Slovenia this year.
Does "Sebi" get your heart pumping? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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