Review: Vanja Radovanovic - Inje - Montenegro

7 Day YouTube Views: 143,590
7 Day YouTube Likes: 2,856
A native-language track from Montenegro, Inje strong on piano and strings with a music video that more than resembles scenes from an X-Men movie.
As mentioned in other reviews, a song sung in a native language needs to communicate the message and tone of the song more explicitly so that listeners can understand the tone of the song. In this respect, I think I can generally understand the tone behind Montenegro's track. There's an uplifting feeling towards the end with a haunting tone at the beginning.
The song is actually feels like it has a a degree of quality behind it however the melody doesn't quite grab the attention, particularly the verses. You can an easily imagine the staging for this song not being particularly arresting too - a song to which many will turn on the kettle - even though I feel it deserves a little more attention.
Montenegro are near the bottom of the betting markets indicating that audiences don't believe it will progress past it's semi. I think it's unfortunate but ultimately agree. YouTube Stats are again rather low - the Views / Likes ratio is particularly poor. Semi-Final 2 is much less competitive than semi-final 1, and despite Montenegro's decent running order slot (3rd from last) - I have to put this down as a no-qualifier, likely finishing around 12th.
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