Cameron Ledwidge
Status: Eliminated
Battles 2
Cameron Ledwidge VS Leona Jorgensen - 'Beautiful People' | The Battles | The Voice UK 2021 Blind Auditions 5
Cameron Ledwidge's 'Heather' | Blind Auditions | The Voice UK 2021
Cameron Ledwidge VS Leona Jorgensen - 'Beautiful People' | The Battles | The Voice UK 2021 Blind Auditions 5
Cameron Ledwidge's 'Heather' | Blind Auditions | The Voice UK 2021
#thevoiceuk Hoping Cameron comes back. Beautiful voice, just needs more confidence. Youre amazing Cameron
I love Iona's voice she has a very crystal clear voice that's quite rich and has a strong harmony and tone. Cameron sounds slightly nervous to me however his vocals are smooth as well. Another battle that is tough to call for me #TheVoiceUK
Battle 7 and it's Anne Marie's last battle. Cameron Vs Iona. Good luck Iona #TheVoiceUK
Kind of felt Cameron mumbled his way through that #thevoiceuk
So Anne Marie put stretch through last week and danced more than sang, this week Cameron's out when didn't get as much of a chance to sing #thevoiceuk
Cameron totally stitched up there #TheVoiceUK
Cameron was flat and out of tune at certain points #thevoiceuk
Cameron on #thevoiceuk reminds me of Beaker from The Muppets