Funky Feet

Status: Eliminated
Started: Auditions 1
Finished: Auditions 8
Funky Feet are AMAZING Fantastic to see this talented group of girls from Liverpool on #BGT #RISEthroughDANCE #BritainsGotTalent
I really liked Funky Feat so great to watch #BGT
They were incredible #FunkyFeet #BGT #BritainsGotTalent
Strong, powerful, empowered. Boom. Go on girls. #funkyfeet #bgt #BritainsGotTalent
Funky feet were stunning #BGT
Loved #FunkyFeet & all the @LittleMix music #BGT
Love Funky Feet #bgt
Funky feet have got good taste in music #BGT
Wow funky feet ! purple power. ! #BGT
Funky feet not bad but sorry to many dancers for me YEAH #BGT
I like funky feet girl dance group #BGT #BritainsGotTalent
They're wearing tights so they already have my 100000% support sorry #FunkyFeet #BGT #BritainsGotTalent
4 Yeses for Funky Feet, Do you agree with the Judges? - Aaron #BGT
Yesss girls!!!! #funkyfeet #BGT #GirlPower
No YOU'RE funky feet #bgt
Funky Feet just KILLED IT on #BGT!!!!! #GirlPower
Funky feet #BGT
Next up are Funky Feet, How well do you think they'll do? - Aaron #BGT
They were very funky indeed #BGT
That was fireeeee!! #funkyfeet nailed it! #BGT @BGT
#BritainsGotTalent So it says something on about extra points if you can guess how many dancers there are in funky feet ? I guess it is about 36 to 40
Showing up to 50 Tweets mentioning Funky Feet.