Michele Zarrillo

Status: Eliminated
Started: First Evening
Finished: Superfinal
Italy #Sanremo2020 This was Michele Zarrillo's 13th participation at Sanremo. Polished and emotional performance. What did you think of it?
Michele Zarrillo stan account #sanremo2020
Italy #Sanremo2020 Time for the first song of the night! Michele Zarrillo is on with "Nell'estasi on nel fango".
Italy Here we go, song 1! This is Michele Zarrillo with Nell'estasi o nel fango #Sanremo2020
#micheleZarrillo deve vincere #sanremo2020 ?
Codice 01 @MicheleZarrillo #FestivalSanremo #festivalsanremo2020 #FestivalDiSanremo
Michele Zarrillo OUTFIT: 7 CANZONE: 7.5 #Sanremo70 #sanremo2020
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