
Status: Eliminated
Artist: Joanna
Song: Navigateure
Started: Final
Finished: Final
'Navigateure' jury comments: Incredible! He loves what Joanna is doing. Strengths: like Mylene Farmer. Advice: be more confident! We have to feel that strength and power in the message. Love score: 7 #EurovisionFrance #cestvousquidecidez
Joanna, this was amazing I loved every bit of this!! And the song itself is also good #EurovisionFrance
Joannaaaa, loved it, the staging was simple, the camera angles very efficient, vocally great, but something uplifting.. #EurovisionFrance
Joanna is stunning Love #EurovisionFrance
France #EurovisionFrance Joanna's song reminds Yseult of Mylene Farmer. She advised her to be more confident, to go grab her high notes and to showcase more sensuality because she can do it! Jennifer agrees and says the dancers seemed stronger than her. Jurors' hearts : 7/10
My sister and my mum loved Joanna's performance!!! Love #EurovisionFrance
Yessss this song hits me in an interesting way. I gotta check out more of Joanna's songs Love #eurovisionfrance
Bon Joanna c'etait une bonne prestation, vocalement c'etait bien, les angles de camera aussi, j'adore, mais il manque un truc.. hey still great, et vive Rennes #EurovisionFrance
joanna is really underrated. she would be a great representative in turin #eurovisionfrance
Wasn't a huge fan of Navigateure in the studio, but it's really popping out more for me live. Liking it a lot more. Neat choreo #CVQD
'Navigateur' is a great Spotify track, and Joanna has solidly elevated it with this performance. Job done. #CVQD #EurovisionFrance
Not a big fan of Navigateure... not sure it's the best choice for us #EurovisionFrance
Joanna gets......SEPT (7) likes from our jury. A very good response /Nick #EurovisionFrance
joanna is just stunning #eurovisionfrance
Mylene Farmer en PLS devant la perfection de la couleur de Joanna ! #EurovisionFrance
France #EurovisionFrance Good vocals, and a captivating opening for Joanna, though the chorus is weak. And we'll pretend we didn't hear the public start to applaud when the music dropped before the final verse!
Mylene Farmer en PLS devant la perfection de la couleur Joanna ! #EurovisionFrance
France Joanna is an artist that draws inspiration from many genres. Her song Navigateure (Sailor) tells of a brighter future that is waiting to be discovered. #EurovisionFrance
I can see why Joanna got 7 hearts, even though I found her performance enjoyable to a certain degree. #EurovisionFrance #cestvousquidecidez
Joanna jsp si tu vas representer la France a l'Eurovision mais tu representes deja l'amour dans mon coeur Love #EurovisionFrance
#eurovisionfrance Joanna rattrape un peu, comme elle dit "ca me donne envie d'y croire" Love
J'aime trop Joanna et j'ai adore le live de Navigateure si elle gagne pas je comprends pas #EurovisionFrance
le titre de joanna est cool mais sincerement il faut un revamp et un staging plus strong si ca part pour turin #eurovisionfrance
Votez Joanna!! Love Love #EurovisionFrance
Joanna now, so excited for the staging #EurovisionFrance
Joanna, MAIS QUELLE BEAUTE CETTE FEMME Love #EurovisionFrance
Ok deja rien qu'a la voix Joanna c'est oui Love #EurovisionFrance
Yseult is right, Joanna kinda lacks of self-confidence. But she did a good job. #CVQD #EurovisionFrance
NavigateurE Looool envore une meuf qui a des "idees"... #eurovisionfrance
J'ai adore Joanna #eurovisionfrance
France Joanna receives 7 thumbs up from the jury. Can she sail all the the way to Turin? #EurovisionFrance
Navigateure is a bop Love #eurovisionfrance
joanna the best #EurovisionFrance
Joanna muy sosita pero ya soy fan de las bailarinas sobretodo la gordita #EurovisionFrance
Joanna est ma preferee jusqu'a present Greece Love #eurovisionfrance
Ohhh i'm excited for joanna #eurovisionfrance
Joanna seems to talk a lot about sexuality, good on her #EurovisionFrance
La musique de Joanna est bien, mais en international... Je ne pense pas #EurovisionFrance
JOANNA Je pensais accrocher et finalement, la chanson ne decolle jamais vraiment. Sympa mais ca ne me suffit pas ! J'ai bien aime sa presentation donc j'en attendais plus. 5/10 #EurovisionFrance
Joanna ma favorite #EurovisionFrance
El "Navigateure" de Joanna si esta bien producida y tiene mucho fondo detras, con lo que un escenario como el de Turin podria ofrecer en realizacion, podria destacar. #EurovisionFrance
Joanna has real potential tonight, I think. Even the bf, who hates pop music (i KNOW), is excited. #eurovisionfrance
J'aime bien la chanson de Joanna la melodie et un rythme pour un show digne de l'eurovision #EurovisionFrance
JOANNA ATE?!? I really enjoyed that #EurovisionFrance
There is a Joanna competing for France. Seal of approval already #cestvousquidecidez #eurovision
joanna: lo unico memorable es tu pelo #EurovisionFrance
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