Davood Ghadami

Status: Eliminated
Professional: Nadiya Bychkova
Started: Launch Show
Finished: Week 11
Twitter: @DavoodGhadami
Instagram: @therealdavood
Still a bit gutted we never got to see lovely Davood do his Charleston to the Lambeth Walk again #Strictly #doingthelambethwalkOI
I swear Davoods arms are even bigger than they were a few weeks ago. #strictly
DAVOOD!!!!!!! #StrictlyFinal #Strictly
Friendly reminder that DAVOOD WAS ROBBED #StrictlyFinal #Strictly
Still wondering what Davood's arms would've made of a showdance. #Strictly
Davood and Nadiya!! #Strictly
Showing up to 50 Tweets mentioning Davood Ghadami.