Siannise Fudge

Status: Eliminated
Started: Episode 1
Finished: Episode 36
Twitter: @SianniseF
Instagram: @siannisefudge
Ladies & Gentlemen here are our 2020 #LoveIsland WINNERS Love Love The way they look at each other is so beautiful, their speeches brought tears to my eyes #LukeT #Siannise
I'd like to see Luke & Siannise win #LoveIsland I love how fun their relationship is, no dramas just lots of giggles and they can't keep their hands of each other #RelationshipGoals
Every couple is lovely and deserve the win but Siannise and Luke are just the cutest couple. Out of all of the couples I see them lasting on the outside the most. Hope they take the crown #LoveIsland
Honestly I don't mind who wins because they're both such amazing couples. But I can't deny the fact I voted for Siannise and Luke #LoveIsland
I really hope Siannise and Luke win. I find Siannise's feelings so genuine I really think she went there for love #LoveIsland
The SWEETEST bunch of boys in the final. Definitely Siannise and Luke for the win for me, but definitely my favourite bunch of finalists ever. #loveIsland
Siannise and Luke have definitely gotta win they are the best couple hands down #LoveIsland Love
Can't believe I'm watching the #LoveIsland final wishing I'd voted! Glad Siannise and Luke 2 can win though!
I love how likeable Siannise has become over time. Shes become so happy it glows on her. So this is what real love does to people? #loveislandfinal #loveisland
Siannise: well done girl! So supportive awww I love her so much honestly #Loveisland
i can't get over how good the color green compliments siannise, she looks absolutely stunning #LoveIsland #loveIslandfinal
Luke and Siannise to win Love my absolute favourites #LoveIsland
Siannise looks like an old Hollywood movie star tonight - absolutely stunning!! Love #LoveIsland
Siannise looks absolutely stunning tonight. Like a Hollywood movie star! Love #LoveIsland
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