Eros Atomus

Status: In
Artist: Eros Atomus
Song: Alive
Started: Final
Finished: ---
"I hope I can send the message tonight that it's beautiful to be alive." I would kindly like to disagree. #Germany12Points
Eros Atomus has got the Turin ready performance down but I wish his song had about 60% more lyrical content. It's great being alive is kind of a baseline babes #Germany12Points
I do really like Alive, it's a cute song Love #Germany12Points
"I love being alive" "It's great to be alive" #Germany12Points
Eros has such an interesting and amazing voice, but the song.... is just the opposite. #Germany12Points
"It's great to be alive. I love being alive." #Germany12Points
I just wanted to say that I love the subtle-ish notion to "Allein allein" by Polarkreis 18 during the "Alive" song. The former is one of my favourite German songs of all time! #germany12points
It's funny it is called Alive because it makes me want to be the opposite #Germany12Points
"i love being alive", is the kind of thing i personally would not say while listening to this song #Germany12Points
in all fairness, i think "alive" just needs more jedward energy and i'd actually love it #Germany12Points
Eros can win tbh. The only tolerable one so far #Germany12Points
And the winner will be: #ErosAtomus @ard #Germany12Points mit Weitem Abstand, jemand anderer Meinung?
Eros Aromus. I like the energy but the song is very middle of the road. I can't see Europe voting for this in big numbers. #Germany12Points
throwing here the possibility of "alive" winning xoxo #Germany12Points
Eros is winning #Germany12points
"I love being alive" ja vorallem in aktuellen Zeiten #Germany12Points
the instrumental of alive is really nice actually but could he not like. write a proper chorus jshdlskjs #germany12points
I feel sorry for any Germans who spend real life money to vote for Alive #Germany12Points
"it's great to be alive" ist momentan Das unpassenste ever. #germany12points #kriegineuropa
Eros sta suonando il motivetto Cups di Pitch Perfect ma senza bicchiere #Germany12Points
"I love being alive" sings Eros, standing in the middle of a road. #Germany12Points
maneskin haben einfach mit nem gesellschaftskritischen rock song gewonnen und DE so woaah woahh it's great to be alive #germany12points
Might be great to be I've but I sure ain't living for Eros #Germany12Points
Eros? Da kenn ich nur den Ramazotti Love #Germany12Points
It's great to be alive cause we have the option to mute this performance #Germany12points
#3 eros atomus - 'Alive' Eros, 21, is a Bavarian-born guitarist/singer who has lived all over the world ( United States , China , The Netherlands and Italy ). He reached the S8 final of The Voice of Germany, before supporting Jess Glynne and Rita Ora on tour and releasing his debut EP i
is it great to be alive Eros? is it? #Germany12Points
Er singt Its Great to be Alive? Klingt echt krass, wenn nebenan ein Krieg tobt #ESC2022 #Germany12Points
dieser i love being alive song ist mein 13. grund #Germany12Points
I love being alive can't relate #Germany12Points
"It's great to be alive" - ne, leider momentan so garnicht! #Germany12Points
It's great to be alive #Germany12Points
the way they spent a good while talking about how Eros as a name is just so Italian though #germany12points
#Germany12Points "It's great to be alive".. jetzt wird's zynisch.
Auch irgendwie makaber, aktuell einen Song mit dem Titel It's great to be alive zu singen, oder? #Germany12Points
It's great to be alive #Germany12Points
Is it great to be alive though Eros? Is It? #Germany12Points
krass mein fazit der letzten jahre ist auch it's great to be alive, denke da kann jeder gerade relaten #Germany12Points
Let's just not send this child who thinks he knows that it's great to be alive #Germany12Points
Eros atomus no madruga porque sino no cantaria "es genial estar vivo" #Germany12Points
Eros Atomus (What a name!) Patchy vocals but he has pretty-boy privilege so that's ok. Good song actually. Not bad / not great / good #Germany12Points
Ich wahle Eros Love #Germany12Points
its great to be alive mentira #Germany12Points
Germany #Germany12points #eurovision Eros Atomus is on stage now, so I can leave you in the most capable hands possible: @escxtrabente will take over from now and I'll enjoy the show in the background! Also, ich verabschiede mich as they'd say in German! Vielen Dank from @NickvLith!
Eros has a solid voice but his style isn't really clicking with "Alive" #Germany12Points
Wir hatten mit Eros Atomus mal wieder eine Chance ! #Germany12Points #ESC2022 Mein Bruder Dieter B. gibt mir Recht !
Ich finde es angesichts der aktuellen Situation in der #Ukraine widerlich, dass so Songs wie "Alive" und "Seid nicht so down, seid einfach happy" schicken zu wollen #Eurovision #Germany12Points #Germany0Points
"I love being alive" I already know my TL won't like it #Germany12Points
alter der Refrain von Alive, just wow #Germany12Points
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