Marie Curie

Status: Eliminated
Started: Leaders
Finished: Scientists
She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, does Marie Curie get your vote as the greatest scientist of the 20th Century? #Icons
RT BBC "She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, does Marie Curie get your vote as the greatest scientist of the 20th Century? #Icons
#MarieCurie had an intellect & determination that were boundless, her experimentation techniques, rigorous. Marie volunteered on front-line. Her ultimate legacy was #RadioTherapy. We should all support @MarieCurieUK, in her honour #Icons #Scientists
#Icons: Already hard to look past Marie Curie. An incredible female scientist who discovered two elements and saved endless lives by introducing radiotherapy and encouraging X-Rays for medical use.
Curies role in #WW1 saved 900, 000 lives. Superb encapsulation of her life by @ChrisPackham_01 #Icons
Loving bbc #icons. Marie Sklodowska-Curie = amazing scientist, who happened to be a woman. :)
#BBC Icons tells us that whenever we have an X-Ray we should thank Marie Curie, apparently overlooking the fact that the first ever Nobel prize for physics (1901) was awarded to Conrad Roentgen for his discovery of X-Rays. #Icons
So excited for tonights #icons. Marie Curie has been one of my heroes since I was a little.
Bloody hell, Marie Curie was amazing. #Icons
#Mariecurie hands down, so radiant! #Icons
#icons Marie curie discovered Polonium, naming it after her beloved native #Poland
No one is more impressive in this series so far than Marie Curie #Icons
Rights. Let's support Marie Curie who seems to be the only woman on the list that is both a scientist AND a female... Let's get voting! #WomenInStem #WomenInScience @royalsociety #icons
Im embarrassed by how little I know about these fantastic people #Icons #mariecurie
on now @BBC two #icons the actual documents recorded by Marie Curie with @ChrisGPackham - wow!
Wow, Marie Curie, what a way to start #Icons tonight. Learning a lot more about her than I ever learnt in school
Marie Curie was Polish born, but French bread. #Icons #SFAOK
Well I've learnt new things about Curie, never knew she was Polish born #icons
Showing up to 50 Tweets mentioning Marie Curie.